目前分類:2007東京NCCH (11)
- Sep 09 Sun 2007 00:06
- Jul 29 Sun 2007 01:04
- Jul 20 Fri 2007 23:45
東京 六本木---東京中城
- Jul 20 Fri 2007 00:22
東京 六本木---國立新美術館
- Jul 16 Mon 2007 23:38
21_21 DESIGN SIGHT 是位在2007年4月剛開幕的Tokyo Mid-town區域內的北方
由三宅一生 佐藤卓等人擔任設計總監 建築部份則是安藤忠雄擔綱 是其於東京都另一新作
- Jul 13 Fri 2007 07:49
Good morning, Tokyo
Today is the final day of my short program at Tokyo naiontal cancer center, Tsukiji campus. Actually, this progame ended yesterday, but the richful experience made me determine to spend another half day here. Besides, i want to say goodbye to my friends and invite them to Taiwan. Indeed, a young master will have a one-week visit to Taiwan since this Sunday. Hope the No. 4 typhoon won't bother his trip.
I visited harajuku chapel yesterday evening. The new worship hall was just constructed in 2005 by famous architecture group. I'll tell the story and share the photos after i back to Taiwan, and..if i'm not busy.
- Jul 12 Thu 2007 21:30
Final night..Tokyo
Tonight is the last night of my Tokyo journey. Same to previous, I alwasy hope to stay longer.. one more and one more...But, there is a little bit difference this time.
I meet several friends here. Some of them have been master in their specialty and some would be master in the near future. The difference attribute to separation from these friends.
- Jul 11 Wed 2007 22:37
Working, and eating.. in Tokyo
I need to be accompanied with my colleague, who is older and not so familiar with Tokyo as me. It' s all right when working inside the building. As you know, that's a problem at leisure time. You always need to bring someone strolling around the Tokyo till the night. Even so, i still can find some space to breath. I told him, I need to have a call when we back to the front door of hotel. I do have a call, but after that I rush to enjoy famous and extremely delicious Nigili at different stores of Tsukiji in two consecutive nights!
Don't tell mycolleague, please!
- Jul 10 Tue 2007 18:06
Rainy day, rainy Tokyo
It's rainy today in Tokyo, but all i can do is stay inside and watch master demonstrating his skill.
I work at one of buildings of Tsukigi, kitchen of Tokyo. There is a restarant in the highest floor where you can see Tokyo Bay and Rainwbow bridge (i guess). Spectecular view!